
About the Camlok MR Fixed Multi Rail Grab:

Camlok MR Fixed Multi Rail Grab

  • The MR Multi-rail grabs have been designed to facilitate
    the fast bulk handling of a specific rail section (details to be
    advised at time of order).
  • Rails are locked onto the clamp by swivelling toes that
    locate under the rail-head and top clamp body that rotates
    in a cam action pressing a hard rubber lined horizontal beam
    onto the top of the rail-head. The rubber lined contact beam
    prevents marking or damage to the rail-head.
  • Two clamps are recommended at centres of 50 to 60% of
    rail length for rails up to 20 mtr long. For rails longer than 20
    mtr, three clamps at centre distance between outer clamps
    of 65 to 75% of rail length must be used. (NB. Clamp must
    be within rated WLL).
  • Rails to be lifted must be stacked with bottom flange toes
    touching. All rails must be of the same rail section size.

Please contact us for more information